8 Ways Google’s AI Bard Leaves ChatGPT in the Dust

More than 180 nations currently offer Google’s Bard AI chatbot. Google’s response to OpenAI’s ChatGPT which has caused a stir across industries with its amazing linguistic prowess, is Bard.

Bard AI’s accessibility is being provided by Google without charge, and the company has even incorporated a number of new capabilities to improve user interaction and fill the gaps left by ChatGPT.

Similar to ChatGPT, Google Bard is a huge language model that has been taught to be thorough and instructive. It is also referred to as a conversational AI or chatbot.

It can communicate and produce text that resembles that of a human since it has been trained on vast amounts of textual data. Bard can be used for wide range of tasks, such as in-depth answers to inquiries, developing unique text content forms, translating languages.

There are several situations where Google’s Bard beats OpenAI’s ChatGPT, even if the majority of what Bard can achieve is likewise achievable for ChatGPT.

8 Features that ChatGPT lacks are accessible free on Bard

Real-time internet searching

As you write your inquiries or prompts, Bard can conduct a real-time online search. This implies that it can use the most current and pertinent information available on the web to generate texts or find answers to your inquiries. This function can be quite helpful for jobs that call for online information, such as research.

Accept voice commands.

You can speak with Bard, which might be more practical in some circumstances. Use voice input, for instance, if you’re on the go, have your hands full, or would rather speak than write. You can dictate longer paragraphs or pose difficult inquiries using voice input.

Direct export of created text is possible in a number of formats.

Word, PDF, and HTML are just a few of the formats that Bard may produce text in. This makes it simple to use your work in other programmers or to share it with others. For instance, you can export a Word document of a tale that Bard authored for you or a PDF of a report that Bard created for you. Additionally, you can download an HTML version of a website that Bard summarized for you.

Provide summaries of web pages

Bard has the ability to summarize online pages, which is a terrific method to rapidly understand a lengthy or complicated subject. Bard will provide a succinct summary for you if you simply paste the URL of the web page you would like to summarise. Additionally, you can modify the summary’s length and level of content to suit your needs.

Give various draft of your reply

Multiple draft of Bard’s responses are available, which is a terrific method to gain feedback on your work and make sure you’re achieving the greatest outcomes. Bard’s responses come in a variety of drafts, so you can compare them and select the one that best serves your needs. Draughts can also be edited.

Can explain code

Bard is capable of debugging existing code as well as explaining it, which is an excellent method to learn new programming languages. Simply paste the code you want to understand, and Bard will produce an understandable and thorough explanation for you. Additionally, you can also ask Bard specific questions about the code. Such as what it does, how it functions, or why certain outputs are generated.

Give Google search suggestions

A wonderful way to discover more information on a subject is to use Bard to suggest other Google searches. Bard will provide a list of Google searches on that subject when you input “suggest” following your question or prompt. Then, if you’re interested in learning more, click on any of the suggested searches.

Planning Trips

Bard can help you organize your travels, including locating accommodations, activities, and flights. Simply tell Bard where you want to go and when, and Bard will create a route for you. Bard will adjust the plan based on your choices and financial constraints.

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You can also ask Bard for advice on things to do and see while travelling. Bard will provide more recent places to visit. Other information because ChatGPT can also be used for planning, but its database isn’t up-to-date.

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