Boot Your Productivity With 10 Must-Try Apps

It might be difficult to stay productive in the fast-paced world of today. Fortunately, you can stay focused, organised, and on top of your tasks with the help of a variety of productivity applications. We’ll look at 10 of the top productivity applications in this article, all of which are deserving of your attention.


With the help of boards, lists, and cards, the versatile project management programme Trello can keep you organised. It is free to use and excellent for both individual and group use. Trello is made even more potent by integrations with Slack, Google Drive, and Dropbox.


You can use the programmed RescueTime to keep track of how much time you spend on various tasks and websites. You can use this app to gain insight into how you spend your time and find areas for improvement. Additionally, a premium edition is available, which gives more thorough reports and functionality.


An innovative app called Forest Forest employs gamification to keep you engaged. The app motivates you to put down your phone by allowing you to plant a virtual tree that will eventually grow. The tree dies if you exit the app, which encourages you to maintain concentration and cut out outside distractions.

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You may store and organize notes, pictures, and other types of content using the note-taking programmed Evernote. Your notes are accessible from any device, making them an excellent tool for productivity when travelling. Additionally, Evernote has integrations with Slack and Google Drive.

Top 10 Best Productivity Apps You Must TRY


Project management tool Notion integrates databases, wikis, notes, and tasks into a single workspace. It is a flexible tool that can be used for any project and is excellent for team work.


The music app Focus@Will leverages neurobiology to improve focus. The music available on the app is intended to improve your focus and productivity. Various genres, tempos, and intensities are available for you to select from when looking for the ideal soundtrack for your job.

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You may bookmark articles and videos on the Pocket Pocket app to read later. It’s an excellent resource for keeping up with market news and research. Additionally, Pocket interacts with Slack and Evernote.


Grammarly is a writing tool that assists you in writing better by checking for punctuation, grammar, and spelling mistakes. The software provides writing improvement advice and even does a plagiarism check. Both a desktop application and a browser plugin are offered by Grammarly.


With the help of the task management tool Todoist, you can make to-do lists, set reminders, and monitor your progress. The programmed may be completely customized, making it an excellent tool for any project. In addition, Todoist interacts with Slack and Google Calendar.


In the era of remote work, Zoom has become a necessary video conferencing tool. It’s a useful tool for virtual events like webinars and team meetings. Although Zoom has a free version, it only allows for 40-minute meetings.


Maintaining productivity might be difficult, but these 10 tools can keep you focused, organized, and on top of your workload. There is an app on this list for everyone, whether you’re looking for a writing tool, a time tracker, or a project management programmed. Try them out to see if they can help you increase your output.

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