Top 10 Best Metaverse Crypto Games to Play in 2023

If you want to find the best metaverse games to enjoy in 2023, you are in the right place
The days went when the gamers were in traditional gaming. A large bunch of exciting games and impressive platforms are currently in development, but there are also plenty of incredible projects available to start using right now. This is where the metaverse come into the gaming game. Another interesting point to note yet is that there are a significant number of metaverse crypto games that allow you to make money. If you want to find the 10 Best Metaverse games to enjoy in 2023, you are in the right place. Keep reading to find our list of 10 best Metaverse games and some extraordinary projects to try now.

  • Axis Infinite
  • Splinterlands
  • My Neber Alice
  • Sandbox
  • Decentralized region
  • Minecraft
  • Sorare
  • Kavegochi
  • Illuvium
  • UFO Gaming
Top Metaverse Games

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Axis Infinite

Based on the Pokémon franchise, this online video game was created by Vietnamese firm Sky Mavis. Axis Infinity is a NFL-based game that supports Ethrium-based cryptocurrency or SLP as payment methods. An interesting point is that, using this game, users can earn money or SLP for their “axis”, a pet owned by them through their breeding, racing and trading.


Another digital play-to-arm metaverse game based on blockchain technology that can’t surpass your attention is Splinter lands. This metaverse game allows players to win awards digitally. It is somewhat comparable to games like Magic the Gathering and Harthstone in which it needs strategy and planning.

My Neighbor Alice

This multiplayer building game is very popular among gamers and this game has introduced millions of gamers from around the world to Blockchain Technology. You can buy virtual islands and become its owner, get and develop interesting stuff and meet new people. You can monetize your in-game experience and make money when you participate.


Sandbox is ready to give you a complete gaming experience. It is built under the Ethium blockchain, allowing you to create your own experience and monetize it in an immersive digital ecosystem. The interesting thing here is that with The Sandbox, you can trade land / property, build NFTS or some of your favorites ( e.T., Crypto Kitties) can be imported into The Sandbox Game and create a completely new gaming experience.


Who doesn’t know about the virtual reality game Dicentland where you can create your own virtual world? The game is based on the Ethium blockchain, which allows for the creation, trade and storage of virtual assets such as NFTS, which forms part of the Metaverse experience in the game.


Minecraft is another popular game around the world, and has become more popular when it was one of the first games to introduce a virtual economy where each player creates a Metaverse. Since its inception, this game has included more features, including decentralization, to become one of the top metaverse games available.


If you are looking for a game where you can team up with your favorite players, Sorare is one for you! Your team can be based on digital collection and you can play with others to win the tournament. Well, that’s not all. The in-game awards are also linked to the player’s actual performance on the football field.


Interestingly like noting here is that Avegotchi is a digital pet inspired by Tamagotchis but is designed as a yield generating NFT. Here, gamers can “exploite, fight, craft special NFTS and play-to-earn through their Avegotchis.” In the Metaverse domain, the company launched Gotchiverse in March 2022, enabling all these earnings facilities based on NFTS under the Polygon Blockchain.


One more to join the list of popular metaverse games is the IlluVium. The game is available on PC and Mac, where gamers can earn a NFT based on Sai-Fi Lands, War, Game Live ( Illuveals) and do a lot. In addition, players can get ILV tokens to complete quests and reach in-game achievements.

UFO Gaming

UFO Gaming introduces a debut game, Super Galactic, enabling people to earn while playing on these metavers, designed to explore other galaxies and dimensions. Under this, you can earn by minting or stoking new NFTS while enjoying a new gaming experience throughout the tournament.

Metaverse Games In 2023
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